Friday, August 20, 2010


Nate, my adorable soon to be nephew Evan, and I

Recently, I have been overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude and extreme thankfulness for how blessed I am. I am all moved into my condo and couldn't have done it without my wonderful family and help from Nate! This is the seventh August in a row that I have moved- into either a dorm, an apartment, back to my house, condo, etc. Whew, thanks family for being patient and helpful during all of my moves.

I just got back from Wisconsin Dells with Nate's family and it was a great time with my future in-laws. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family who is strong in their faith to marry into. It was great to get to know them better and I was able to ask my future sister-in-law, Andrea, to be a bridesmaid!

Speaking of bridesmaids, I have officially asked them all to be in the wedding, and they have all accepted! I can't wait! Each girl has a very special place in my heart and in my life- each being from a different "time period" in my life. Childhood will be represented by my two lovely sisters, Audra and Kaley, who will both serve as my maids of honor. Technically, by the time I get married Audra will be the "matron" of honor! Next is grade school and middle school which I spent in California, and will be represented by my wonderful friend Bethanny Johnson, whom I have remained close to over the years despite the distance. Next is high school, and will be represented by the amazing Jennifer Smith, whom I met on the very first day of 9th grade when I was new and scared and we've been close friends ever since. Then comes college, where I met Lauren Hubbard in our awful psych class, and I admired her "where's waldo" sweater, and we bonded over our strange math teacher and other interesting characters in her dorm cafeteria. Moving on to grad school, I met the bubbly Krystal Fritcher in my stats class, and she quickly became one of my closest friends in such a short amount of time, which I find amazing and rare! And last but certainly not least, is my soon to be sister-in-law Andrea Kolb, whom I am looking forward to getting to know even better and sharing a lot of memories with.

So blessed to have so many amazing people in my life, and of course thats not limited to just the girls in the wedding! Today I can hardly contain my joy!

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